Mepal Parish Council

Amendment to 20/00630/FUM Brick Lane Development

An amendment has been received for the development described above.

The amendment is as detailed in covering letter dated 4th October from PlanSurv:

  1. Amended Noise Assessment
  2. Amended landscaping plans
  3. Amended proposed site plan
  4. Amended Materials and Boundary Treatment plan
  5. Amended house type plans
  6. New street elevation plan (A142 & Sutton Road)

Our Parish Council Clerk has requested an extension to the original date of 26th October and we all now have until 9th November to submit any revised comments.

The Parish Council will be considering our response and assessing wether the proposed amendments make a difference to our current rejection of the application at the next PC meeting to be held via Zoom on 27th October. All residents are able to attend the Zoom meeting, please see meeting and agenda details on the Meetings page.

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