Mepal Parish Council

Lillibet Woods & Brangehill Drove

Lilibet Woods is the narrow piece of land than runs between Brangehill Drove (Footpath/Byway at the back of Meadow way) and the A142. Brangehill Grove and Lilibet Woods are owned by Mepal Parish Council.

As part of the 2018 Community Governance Review a request to change the Mepal boundary’s was granted and it was agreed with ECDC that the area of land currently called Lilibet Woods and Brangehill Drove behind Meadow Way with the new boundary line being the A142 would be officially recognised as being part of Mepal Parish and not Sutton Parish.

Any Mepal residents that are willing to work with the Parish Council on future development or maintenance of this area should contact the Clerk via the contact us page. At the CLP in 2018 the survey returned a ‘no-interest’ vote.

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