Mepal Parish Council

Parish Council Finance

The Parish Council is a local government body, and can only do that which it is empowered to do by law. Anything else, no matter how apparently justifiable or useful will be beyond the powers of the council.

The Accounts and Audit Regulations (England) 2011 refer to the need of the council to follow ‘proper practices’. The council follows the guidance of the ODPM – A Practitioners Guide. The Parish Council is required, by section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972, to appoint a responsible financial officer. This role is held by the Clerk to the Council. All accounts and procedures are administered by the Full Council, and are under the scrutiny of an Internal Auditor, and externally audited by Littlejohn LLP.

Historical budgets and Financial information are available via the View All Documents page.

Statement Regarding Setting of Precept & 2023/24 Budgeting

For the financial year running from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025, Mepal Parish Council has requested an increase in its precept from East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) of £2,030. This figure was agreed on the basis that due to an increased tax base in Mepal, the resulting increase per household in Mepal should be very small but would allow us to have a balanced budget and not have to use further reserves in 2024/25. As an example a Band D property would be paying less than £1 a year more to the Parish Council.

The 2024/25 budget and required precept was discussed and referenced in Minute 181223/7 of the December Minutes. Minor modifications as a result of the year end process after 31/3/2023 were discussed and minuted in the meeting held on 11th April 2023.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report

A CIL report to ECDC detailing how the CIL money has been allocated is produced each year



The  2022/23 Budget and Precept was set in Minute 141221/9 point 2 of the Parish Council Meeting held on December 14th 2021

The 2022/23 approved budget is available here.


The 2021/22 Budget can be found in Minute 020321/9 (2) of the March Parish Council Meeting


Year-end Accounts

Year End Accounts 31st March 2023

Year End Accounts 31st March 2022

Year End Accounts 31st March 2021

Annual Reports

If you would like a paper copy of any of these reports please contact the Mepal Parish Clerk.

Visit Documents for archive of all reports.

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