Mepal Parish Council

Flooding at the Allotments

As you may be aware, one of the objectives of the installation of the new attenuation pond at the end of the recreation field was to minimise flooding in the play park and allotments. Our Clerk and Maintenance Manager have been regularly monitoring the situation however an inspection after the heavy rainfall on 3rd December 2020, whilst showing no flooding in the Play Park or the field, has highlighted a flooding issue at the plots at the far end of the allotment section.

We would like to advise that we are aware of this problem and will be urgently looking into what might be possible to resolve the flooding. It seems evident that the flooding of the allotments and the Laurel Close garden running along the far end of the allotments is not due to any water draining from the recreation field. The new attenuation pond is holding the field and play park surface water draininage  for slow dispersible and has significant excess capacity and we can confirm that the attenuation pond is keeping the field and park well drained, but that the lower level of the allotments results in an inability for water to drain uphill to the new attenuation pond. This area is in fact being flooded from the other side of the allotments. Any suggested solutions will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting in December. If any resident has a proposal or if you are the owner of land that borders the far end of the allotment (closest to the New Road end), please let us know if your gardens are also flooding.

Originally Published on 3rd December – updated on 7th December

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