Mepal Parish Council

Ouse Washes: Middle Level Barrier Bank raising works December 2021 update

We have now finished the bank works for 2021. Once again, this year we faced a season of wet weather which has caused delays to the current construction programme. We expect to finish the overall bank raising works in 2022.

We have removed the temporary bridge at Mepal. The bridge was used during the project to avoid using local roads to deliver most of the material direct to the workface.

We have completed the bank works between Sutton Gault and Mepal. The public footpath will remain closed to give the grass time to establish.

We have installed four of the five bird hides at the RSPB Reserve, and we will install the final bird hide during 2022. For information about using the hides over the winter please contact RSPB Ouse Washes Reserve directly.

Environment Agency

December 2021

ows10 newsletter – december 2021

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