Mepal Parish Council

Lorna Williams

Role: Chairman

I moved to the village in 1997 with my husband and 18-month-old daughter, having lived in Harlow, Essex for the previous 7 years. The appeal of village life drew us to this area and Mepal felt like a lovely place to settle with our daughter. After 22 years, when one of the Parish Councillors said that they were looking for new councillors and that I think about applying for one of the two Parish Council vacancies, I decided that it was time to give something back to the community.

Being self employed and home office based I felt I could find some time to contribute to the work of the Parish Council and in particular was interested in understanding the issues preventing bringing our wonderful Recreation field back into regular use, and to help our new Clerk with the running of the Community Pavilion and the Financial reporting. I would like to think we are now moving in the right direction.

Being a Parish Councillor can be challenging, there are strict rules that we all have to follow and this can be frustrating for everyone, but I don’t regret my decision to get more involved in village life!

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