Mepal Parish Council

Reporting Crimes and Antisocial Behaviour in the Village

The Parish Council have been made aware of numerous incidents of anti-social behaviour and attempted/successful car/van break-ins.

Please can we ask that everyone remains vigilant and reports ALL incidents to Cambridgeshire Police directly.  Without the information they cannot act. We understand that you may feel that reporting the crime may not make a difference, but the Police need to build a full picture and your information may help them catch the perpetrator.

Please help us, help keep our village safe!

How to report a crime or antisocial behaviour

Is it an emergency?

Call 999 now

If you have a hearing or speech impairment,

use the textphone service 18000
or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.

If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime of any kind:


report it by using 101


Use the online reporting tool

Thank you for your support in keeping Mepal safe.

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