Mepal Parish Council

Vacancy for Parish Councillor

Applications are invited for the above vacancy to be filled by the Parish Council by co-option.

To qualify for election to a Parish Council a person must on the day of election be a British and/or commonwealth subject or European national or Ireland and attained the age of 18 years and

  1. on that day is and thereafter continues to be a local government elector for the area of the Authority; and/or
  2. has during the whole twelve months preceding that day occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the area; and/or
  3. his or her principal or only place of work during that twelve months has been in the area; or
  4. has during the twelve months resided in that area; and/or
  5. during the whole twelve months has resided in the Parish or within 4.8 Kilometres (three miles) of it

Disqualification from being elected a member is set out in Section 80 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Applications for this vacancy should be made in writing to:

Mrs Karen Peck
19 High Street
Cambs  CB6 3PQ

or via the email details given on the contact us page.

CLOSING DATE 5PM ON 31st December 2020

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